NOTICE: Modified Monster Likes

As of version 4.4.0, the following Monsters have had some of their Likes revised:

  • Epic Potbelly
  • Epic Potbelly (Fire Island)
  • Epic Potbelly (Shugabush Island)
  • Shugabush
  • Shugabush (Shugabush Island)
  • Tawkerr (Cold Island)
  • Rare Yawstrich
  • Parlsona (Air Island)
  • Blabbit
  • Blabbit (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Maggpi (Water Island)
  • Rare Flowah
  • Viveine (Amber Island)
  • Viveine (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Punkleton (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Yool (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Schmoochle (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Hoola (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Gobbleygourd (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Clavavera (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Jam Boree
  • Carillong (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Whiz-bang (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Monculus (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Ffidyll (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Boo'qwurm (Seasonal Shanty)
  • Spurrit (Seasonal Shanty)